children and youth

Children and young people are the adults of tomorrow. You are our hope. This. Foundation D supports children and youth projects worldwide in order to support their personal development and growth on all levels of being, as is the basis of the WHO’s understanding of health. At the same time, it contributes to the implementation of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

Sponsored Organizations

Sponsored Projects

S.E.R Kinderhilfe e.V. Wesel, Deutschland

The S.E.R Kinderhilfe e.V. is a non-profit initiative for extracurricular care and support for 40 children and young people from different social classes, religions and cultures. The aim is to organize leisure time in which creativity, tolerance, self-confidence and joie de vivre are encouraged.

Teatro La Luna, Cordoba, Argentinien

In a slum of Cordoba, the Teatro La Luna takes care of 25 street children. Children learn to express themselves through drama and other creative activities. Their cultural and spiritual roots are encouraged so that they can use this power to find new ways for their development. City children have the opportunity to exchange ideas with children from the School of Arts in the countryside near Cosquin.

Holy Child Program (HCP), Beit Sahour, Palästina

The HCP is a therapeutic school near Bethlehem in the Palestinian Authority. In it, severely traumatized children, both Christian and Muslim, receive therapeutic care and individual support. The children experience healing and a new chance to develop their personality. The goal is reintegration into a public school class.

Tatutsi Marrakwarri, Sierra Madre, Mexiko

The director Barbara Sackl founded a theater project with the autonomous Indian school “Tatutsi Marrakwarri”. Young Huichelos between the ages of 14 and 20 live out their indigenous myths in annual theater courses. In this way they discover their spiritual and cultural heritage and are strengthened in their personal development and for their life situation.

Dar Al Kalima, Bethlehem, Palästina

The Dar Al Kalima School in Bethlehem/PNA is a Christian school where 240 students, Muslims and Christians, girls and boys, are taught together. The children are supported through additional sports, art and music offers. The aim is to offer them a good education even during the difficult everyday life behind the wall.

KiMuKu, Lower Saxony, Germany

KiMuKu is an encounter project that gives children from different countries and cultures the opportunity to meet and get to know each other. The language that connects them is music and theatre. Because music is the language of the heart that everyone understands. Camps have so far taken place in the summer of 2004 and 2005.