International understanding
The Foundation D supports projects that promote understanding and peace between cultures and faiths.
Jewish-Arab Community Leadership Program, Haifa
As part of the “Jewish-Arab Community Leadership Program” at the University of Haifa in Israel, around 20 Arab and 20 Jewish students acquire leadership skills every year. Theoretical seminars supplement the social project work at the university and in the surrounding communities. The scholarship holders organize events that bring students and people from the community closer together, e.g. round tables, film screenings, dance and music events.
Kloster Mor Gabriel, Tur Abdin, Türkei
About 40 monastery students live in the Mor Gabriel monastery and are used in their Syriac-Orthodox culture and religion; the chants of the liturgy are influenced by Aramaic. The oriental Christians are looking for a peaceful coexistence in everyday life with the Muslims. This. Foundation D supports the monastery’s school. (engl)
Neve Shalom / Wahat al Salam, Israel
NS / WS is a village near Latroun that is being built and inhabited by Jewish and Arab residents, Christians, Jews and Muslims. The village is known beyond the borders of Israel as an example of how equality between different religions and cultures can be lived with dignity. The village has its own peace school, a binational, bilingual village school, a youth club, a house of silence and a guest house.
Verein AMAHORO, Zuzwil, Schweiz
Women – a homage to the forgotten: This book project by Christine Ntahé, one of the 1000 peace women from Burundi, tells the stories of courageous women. The civil war in Burundi made them widows, victims of persecution and single parents. The stories show how every woman goes her way of reconciliation in order to get closer to the other ethnic group (Hutu or Tutsi). After publication, the author is planning a reading tour through the country.